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By LegalEdge News

7 Common Mistakes in US Expansion

Expanding to the US market is not a risk-free endeavor. There is a lot on the line with US expansion. If you succeed in the US market, it’s an important milestone towards realising the dream of your company growing into a billion-dollar leader in your industry segment. If you fail in the US market you’ve risked significant time, resources, investor’s capital, and your personal credibility all for nothing. 

US Expansion Partners, the US expansion specialists for scaling tech companies, highlight 7 common mistakes they’ve seen businesses make when expanding to the US market along with important tips on how to avoid them.

1. Lack of founder involvement

2. Hiring a senior executive too soon

3. Scaling headcount too quickly

4. No lead gen or sales development support

5. Wrong location

6. Not budgeting appropriately

7. DIY from thousands of miles away


If you’re expanding into new markets and need help or simply want to discuss the process and how to avoid some of the common pitfalls (see our service on International Expansionget in touch.

This is a guest post by David Rose with US Expansion Partners. 

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