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By LegalEdge News

Working with your creative agency: essential Dos and Don’ts 

Many scaling businesses reach a point where they need expert help from agencies in the creative sector to service their brand, advertising, marketing and/or PR needs. 

Engaging a creative agency can be a sensible step to help drive business success. But it’s important to get the right framework in place at the start of any such relationship to ensure you get the most out of your investment. 

LegalEdge’s Rebecca DeLorenzo has loads of experience working with in-house marketing teams, so shares her dos and don’ts here for engaging a creative agency.


Have an agreement in place before anyone starts work for you

Get advice to ensure you understand the legal implications of the arrangement

Be clear about the deliverables you are expecting and how outcomes will be measured

Set out feestimelines for payment and how costs are to be managed

Identify agency personnel who are key to your project/requirements

Be mindful of your intellectual property rights

Think about protecting your brand

Have the ability to terminate your contract quickly


Sign your agency’s standard contract or terms and conditions without reading it

Expect instant results

Take your eye off the ball

Fail to keep your side of the bargain

Ignore now what might go wrong in the future

Fail to deal with arrangements for the end of the contract

How can we help you?

If you need advice on engaging a creative agency for your business, Rebecca can help. Get in touch on

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