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By LegalEdge News

Forget quiet quitting. Watch out for quiet firing!

The term ‘quiet firing’ has recently landed in the UK from the US and caught the imagination of the media. But in reality, it’s just a different label for something which shamefully isn’t new in UK workplaces. 

Quiet firing or nudging an employee to resign may seem an easy solution for ‘problem’ staff (e.g. those with high absence rates or regular under-performers), rather than following formal procedures, but rightfully this can lead to some very negative consequences.    

Ways companies might try to force people to resign include:

Why do businesses encourage staff to resign rather than dismiss them? 

What are the risks?

So what should a business do?

How can we help?

We can advise on dismissals and redundancies, we can also provide policies and deliver training to managers and other staff on managing disciplinary and capability processes. Check out our HR Legal Counsel service for more information or get in touch:

You may also find our blog on lay off lessons useful.

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