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Protecting part-time workers: an employer’s guide

Offering roles on a part-time basis can be a great way to increase your organisation’s diversity and inclusion, as well as bringing in people with new/different skillsets.  

Jobs with less than full-time hours are likely to be particularly attractive to people with other responsibilities like carers (still more likely to be female), as well as older workers with lots of experience who are looking to work less hours before retirement. Reduced hours may also help those with health problems and/or disabilities remain in the workforce. 

Where roles can be carried out on a part-time basis, employers reap the economic benefit by not paying a full-time rate. As the economy looks set to enter a difficult period, allowing staff to reduce their hours could be a win-win for everyone. Provided part-time staff are not expected or encouraged to work more hours than they are contracted for (with ‘greedy jobs’).

So, what do you need to know about employing part-time workers? 

There are no specific number of hours that makes someone full or part-time: 

There is no legal right (yet) to work part-time but you must treat flexible working requests seriously

Part-time workers are, in theory, protected against discrimination: 

Part-time workers enjoy legal protection from day 1: 

Employers can provide pay and benefits on a pro rata basis: 

Don’t forget to include part-time workers when it comes to other benefits:

Part-time workers are entitled to pensions: 

Round up fractional holiday days: 

Don’t use part-time hours as a criterion for redundancy

How can we help you? 

Ensure you have your employment contract templates reviewed regularly to ensure they’re compliant with employment laws as they change quite often. And if you need ongoing practical HR Legal Services, whether on hiring part-timers or otherwise please get in touch – we’re always happy to have a chat. 

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