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By LegalEdge News

Reluctant returners: how to support staff getting back to the office

Although Covid-19 restrictions have now been removed in England, companies keen to have staff physically in the work place may be struggling to manage the process. Those who want to remain working from home indefinitely can present an HR challenge, if doing so doesn’t fit with how employers want their business to run.

Reasons people may not want to come back include: 

  • Continuing general anxiety about Covid-19
  • Being medically vulnerable themselves, or living/caring for someone who is
  • Not wanting to go back to commuting
  • Enjoying a better work/life balance
  • Saving money by working at home
  • Struggling mentally with the office routine and interacting with colleagues
  • Not seeing the point, after working effectively (as they see it) at home for so long

Here are our tips for getting staff back successfully: 

1. Communication is key

2. Find a middle way

3. Accentuate the positives

4. Use a carrot not a stick

5. Changing rooms

6. Look out for flexible working requests

7. Be aware of equality laws

8. Disciplinary action should be the last resort

Whether you need help getting your staff back to the office or want to put inplace a new hybrid working model, we can help. Please get in touch if you have any questions or need help implementing your changes. 

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